As they say, it’s not a mistake if it’s fixed. So, if you’ve made one, don’t panic and send an error correction email. It can be all that’s needed.
Don’t know where to start? These subject lines are at your disposal:
[Brand] bloop! Our apologies
Oopsie daisy! [Brand] to the rescue
[Brand] oops party! Join the fun
[Brand] scoop: buzzworthy [Product] update
[Name], time for a [Product] makeover!
[Brand] oopsie-doodle: [Product] edition
[Brand] alert: [Product] upgrade unveiled!
[Brand] fix-it team: [Product] edition
[Name], [Brand] update
[Brand] apology & [Product] fix
[Brand] news: revised [Product]
[Name], [Product] clarification
[Brand] improvement: [Product]
We’ve made a mistake!
Thanks for noticing our error!
Did you notice a mistake someone made? Let them know it! Your efforts will be appreciated. After all, a mistake noticed too late is the worst kind of mistake.
Take a subject line to accompany it:
Oops! [Brand] needs a quick fix
[Brand] slip-up alert
[Brand] error detected
[Brand] blunder: correcting the record
A friendly [Brand] reminder
[Brand] oops moment
[Name], spotting [Brand]'s oops
[Name], correcting [Brand]'s mistake
Alert: [Brand] slip-up detected
[Name], [Product] update from [Brand]
[Name], let's fix [Brand]'s slip
Helping [Brand] get it right
[Brand]'s mistake: [Name]'s insight
[Name], [Product] update for [Brand]
[Brand] error: [Name]'s observation
Sometimes, you have to go more official than just a simple oopsie. In that case, time plays a crucial role. As well as how you speak about the mistake.
If you’re having trouble sending correction email subject line, these subject lines might help you:
[Name], important [Product] update
[Brand] correction: [Product]
Oops! [Brand] fixed it
[Brand] update: we made a change
[Name], important correction
[Brand] news: a quick update
[Brand] fixing [Product]
[Name], [Product] correction
[Brand] update: we heard you
[Brand] adjusts [Product]
[Name], our apologies
[Product] update from [Brand]
[Brand] apology & correction
[Brand] fix: [Product]
[Name], [Brand] apologizes
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