
12 High Converting Landing Pages Examples & How to Build One

Jan 20, 2023 - By Edgaras

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A high-converting landing page will help you create an effective sales funnel and increase your sales by offering your potential clients exactly what they need. By adding a CTA button to the landing page, you can make it easier for your visitors to subscribe to your newsletter, sign up, or place an order.

To boost your profits, you need to pay attention to the design of your landing page and pay attention to the preferences of your target audience. While you may use WordPress for designing a landing page, there are plenty of amazing services that allow you to build a great landing page by yourself.

In this article, we outlined the main stages of the process of designing a landing page and described its key elements in detail.

What Defines High Converting Landing Pages

Let’s outline the steps that you need to take to make your landing page more effective and call your visitors to purchase a product or invite them to opt-in to receive your newsletter.

  1. The information on the landing page should match the expectations of a client. For instance, if you advertise your site by letting people know that they can subscribe to free video lessons and promise them to stay in constant contact, your landing page should allow them to do it. 
  1. Another element that you should add is an easy-to-understand call-to-action (CTA). For instance, you may suggest your visitors subscribe to your newsletter or sign up. Whether you use PrestaShop, WP, or other tools, the main task is to design a landing page with a welcome feel.

It’s much easier to have an email marketing tool integration with your web host software so you can add your prospects to your subscribers list straight from your landing page. For instance, Sender has integrations with WordPress, WooCommerce, PrestaShop, Shopify and you can easily create sign-up forms for your landing page within the tool.

  1. The design of the coolest landing page should be simple and intuitive, without any unnecessary information. Your potential clients should not be distracted from the main purpose of the page, so avoid adding long articles or using an eye-catching font.
  1. It’s important not to add too many pictures to your landing page as it might appear too cluttered as the result. A client might forget about adding a product to the shopping cart. Add a logo to show your potential clients that they can buy high-quality branded products on the site.
  1. Make sure to add sharing buttons that allow visitors to quickly share the information about your landing page on Twitter, Facebook, and other social networks.
  1. Good landing pages are dynamic and have customized designs. Using Elementor and other similar page builders, you can change them depending on the behavior of users as well as add new content and improve the existing one.

12 High Converting Landing Page Examples

There are the 12 best examples of landing pages in 2022 that you can use as sources of inspiration. 

1. Netflix


Image source: Netflix

This type of layout allows visitors to understand what the offer is right away. It makes it easier for them to make the decision about paying for a subscription.

In the background, you will see ads for popular TV shows available on Netflix. The CTA button is clearly visible in the middle of the page. You will find the Login button on the right. This page perfectly conveys the value of the brand and improves conversions.

2. Branch Furniture


Image source: Branch Furniture

The modern landing page is perfect for the promotion of their products as it instantly shows visitors what they are looking for – the company that can quickly design, manufacture, deliver, and install the furniture pieces they need.

Powerful headline “Furniture For A Better Way To Work.” allows you to understand for whom this landing page was created and what the offer is. There are several CTA buttons that allow visitors to go to different pages. The web designers also added a list of the companies the team established partnerships with, including Google, Shopify, and Tumblr.

3. Slack


Image source: Slack 

Slack has professionally-designed landing pages that boost conversion rates. At the moment, it has a high converting landing page with an eye-catching headline. A 5-second GIF demonstrates how you can use this service.

Landing page design allows visitors to see the main advantages right from the start. If you are not convinced, you can scroll down to the bottom part that provides you with the key reasons for choosing Slack.

4. Art On Bundjalung Market


Image source: Art on Bundjalung Market

Landing page includes the elements of the culture of aboriginal Australian people. You can see plenty of relevant images and visual elements on the site. In the separate section, you will find videos shot during last-year fair, which allows the site to tell more about the mission of the organization. 

The landing page has an asymmetric menu with vertical side elements and floating social media icons in the corners. This design makes it more attention-grabbing. The links to their Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter accounts are easy to find.

5. Zoho


Image source: Zoho

Zoho has a landing page with a complex but streamlined design that doesn’t look cluttered. It brings the main message across perfectly. The web designers used more text than usual, but the result still looks great.

The goal is to drive visitors to get a free trial and then pay for the services. By using more text, the web designers managed to make the offer more appealing by explaining what one can get by signing up.

6. Robot Genius


Image source: Robot Genius

When you visit the official website of this film studio, you will see a professionally-looking animated loop. Robot Genius lets you see the best works from its portfolio immediately. The developers employed the parallax animation technique.

The landing page includes many high-quality photos. The animated logo adds a futuristic feel to the design. The doodles of the team members make this design funny and engaging.

7. Embossed Co


Image source: Embossed Co

While this high-converting landing page doubles as the homepage, it’s designed to increase sales. This decision turned out to be quite effective. The homepage functions as an effective marketing funnel. The first part is dedicated to the offer, while the second part explains the product’s key selling points in detail. The text is accompanied by attention-grabbing images.

The third part is dedicated to user reviews, which help make the company look more trustworthy. Below, you will see a CTA with a 5-star rating, which drives visitors to place an order.

8. Epicurrence


Image source: Epicurrence

This website was created by Epicurrence to advertise their 4-day conference for creative professionals. 

The layout contains all the necessary elements of a landing page. It also includes high-quality pictures and dioramas that allow visitors to see what different activities will look like. The CTA  invites people to examine the website’s content and purchase tickets.

9. Squarespace


Image source: Squarespace

The developers of the platform believe that pages crammed with text look too uninteresting, so their official site has minimum text fields. They decided to opt for captivating visual elements to attract visitors and turn them into returning clients.

If you choose the service to build a website, you are sure to get a high converting landing page with beautiful images, graphics, and videos, shedding light on your products and services. Besides, you can add a powerful headline, chosen in accordance with the specifics of your company so that customers can immediately grasp who they are dealing with.

10. Udemy for Business 


Image source: Udemy

The text is written clearly and concisely. After first looking at the page, visitors will instantly understand what the company offers. The text in the top part of the page is easy-to-comprehend while the text below contains more detailed information. It makes the content of the page more engaging.

11. Wistia


Image source: Wistia

Opening the site, you instantly bump into a blue background with “Sign up for free” button. Besides, there is a video about all types of content you can create with Wistia and it makes sense to watch it till the end. In case you aren’t sure whether this service is as cool as advertised, scroll to the bottom of the page and read over 375K verified reviews.

Accessing all available features is possible via a Google account. Next, you can take advantage of the autofill feature if you are pressed for time. Being a highly popular video host, Wistia works wonders in displaying its capabilities using various mediums. The list includes colorful graphics, videos, and even links to cartoons aimed at marketing.

12. Pien Geerling


Image source: Pien Geerling

In the portfolio of Pien Geerling, you will see a collage made of the best photos taken by this photographer. It immediately grabs visitors’ attention and drives them to stay longer on the page. 

The menu has a minimalist design. You will see the blocks of the landing page, including its cover, portfolio, and contact info. The pastel color palette allows for photos to stand out among other graphical elements.

5 Key Elements for Highly Converting Landing Pages

Depending on your needs, you can either add several blocks to your landing page or opt for a more basic design to streamline the process of ordering your products and services. A high converting landing page should serve as a funnel that drives people to make a purchase, order services, subscribe to a newsletter, or sign up.

We analyzed the best landing pages and their designs to select the top 5 elements that everyone should use to increase conversions.

  • Main headline. The headline is the first thing that your potential clients will see after visiting your website. The best headlines explain an offer clearly and tell what makes your product stand out. You can also use an explanatory sub-headline to provide extra information about your product. The headline should be easy to understand so that everyone can see what your offer is about.
  • Call To Action. The call-to-action is one of the most crucial elements of an effective landing page. It allows you to drive more visitors to your site. You can add such buttons as “Buy Now,” “Order Now,” “Get a Free Trial,” “Subscribe,” etc. If all other elements are in place, the call to action should turn your visitor into a customer.
  • Great offer. Even if you design a perfect landing page, you still need to pay attention to your offer and ensure that you provide great value for the money. If you want to drive people to subscribe to your blog, you need to incentivize them by offering them free guides and tutorials. To get more people to participate in your webinar, emphasize why it stands out among the rest and what skills they will receive.
  • The design of a page. A conversion-centered design doesn’t have any distracting visual elements. It’s easy to read and includes blocks that make it easier for people to perceive the information on the page. There is no need to add too many elements to your landing page, as its design might look cluttered. 
  • Use high-quality pictures. If your landing page has a visually-appealing design, it will help you boost the conversion rate. By adding eye-pleasing images, you can drive people to commit a purchase on your site. Make sure to use professional photo editing services to create top-level content for your landing page.
  • Add a video. Such content is even more attention-grabbing than pictures. It’s one of the most effective ways of increasing conversions. According to Eye View Digital, companies that added videos to their landing pages increased the conversion rates by 86%.
  • Testimonials and reviews. Pay attention to reviews if you want to convince potential clients to purchase your product. They will also help you get the contact information of your clients and make them trust your website more.

How to Create High-Converting Landing Pages

Create a landing page for a specific audience. It should have a logical and easy-to-understand structure. Read on to learn which steps your need to take to build a landing page.

1. Analyze Your Competitors

Unless you offer a unique product or service, you are bound to have competitors. You need to stand out among your competitors and explain why your potential clients should select you. 

Avoid paying attention only to direct competitors as your task is to find any company that meets the needs of your clients. For instance, if the customer’s need is to be fit and healthy, your competitors will be not only gyms or fitness classess, but YouTube channels, sports apps (and more) as well.

To analyze the market, pay attention to the ads at the top of the search engine rankings or use social media.

2. Analyze Your Target Audience

A target audience consists of people who might be interested in your product or service. A high converting landing page should be created with their needs in mind. A target audience may include people of the same sex or age and consist of people who have a similar educational background, live in the same area, or share the same interests. 

One product may have a different value for different people. You need to use sound arguments to convince them to buy it.

How to analyze your audience and segment it:

  • Find groups on social networks that are dedicated to a specific topic;
  • Analyze the members and try to understand what features they have in common;
  • Read cases and reviews on the websites of your competitors;
  • Read forum discussions.

You need not only to learn the age, gender, or geographical location of your potential buyer but also to find out what they are interested in and whether your product will be useful to them.

Also read: What is Targeted Marketing? Definition, Strategies & Examples

3. Write Text for a Landing Page

After setting a goal and analyzing your competitors, segment your audience and find out what issues your potential customers might have with your landing page. All these steps will help you write logical, well-structured, and powerful text for your landing page.

You may use the following structure:

  • The header of the landing page. Headers include a name of a company and its logo.
  • An offer — the idea of your proposal.
  • Tell your clients in what cases they could use your product or services.
  • Describe the advantages of your product in detail.
  • Information about your company. Tell your clients why they should trust you.

When writing an offer, you must answer the questions “What is it?” and “Why do you need it?” Make sure to describe the key selling point of your product in your offer.

When writing the text for your site, avoid cliches and biased assessments. You must list facts, answer questions, provide proof, and use stats. 

Make sure to optimize your text. SEO optimization will help you improve the search engine ranking of your website. 

4. Create a Mockup


Before building a landing page, it’s important to create a mockup. 

It should contain a layout with all the page elements, including text, images, and links.

Using a mockup, you can create a well-thought-out layout where every element is in place.

Thanks to it, you will analyze whether all the elements are easy to access. It will allow you to improve the client’s journey and change the position of page blocks.

You can use several options for creating mockups.

  • Dedicated software. For instance, Axure, InVision, Figma, and a dozen more. Web developers use them to build and test sites, programs, and apps. If you have already used such solutions, you won’t face any difficulties with them. Otherwise, it might be better to use the following option.
  • Paper and pencil. To create a design for a landing page, you can draw it on a sheet of paper. You can quickly remove unwanted elements and edit the title using the eraser.

As the result, you will get the layout with all the necessary elements of your landing page. Using a mockup, it will be easier for you to make edits. 

5. Choose the Best Landing Page Builder to Do It

As there are many page builders on the market, choose the one with all the features you may need to create a landing page. You can either opt for a page builder for beginners or select a more advanced option for professional use.

If you don’t have any prior experience, it’s better to use a page builder with an extensive collection of templates. It will allow you to create a visually appealing landing page more quickly.

Regardless of your experience, you need to use analytical tools and perform A/B testing. After creating your landing page, analyze the number of page views, scroll depth, and click-thru rate, as well as other parameters. By conducting thorough A/B testing, you can make your landing page more effective and increase conversions.

How to Optimize Landing Pages for Lead Generation

A high-quality lead-generating landing page might do wonders for boosting your conversion rate. To achieve a more impressive result, you need to incentivize your potential clients and keep them returning for more. Make sure to offer them incentives for leaving their email or other contact information. Use these 5 methods to improve the conversion rate without wasting much time and money.

Also read: Building Winning Lead Generation Funnel 

1. Think About Branding

The first thing you need to do is to create a favorable impression of your business. Use a logo that will improve the recognition of your brand. You may also add engaging content that will make it easier to remember your brand. Making the graphics on your website clickable is crucial since people are more likely to stay longer on your landing page if it contains interactive elements.

2. Focus on a CTA

Unlike the homepage, a high-converting landing page doesn’t need to have a well-thought-out navigation system. It will suffice to use an arrow graphic to help your clients find relevant information. For instance, you can indicate where they can download a free or trial product version. When creating the CTA, provide your visitors only with relevant information and let them know about the key advantages of your products and services.

3. Be Search Engine Friendly

Pay attention to its URL and title to create an effective landing page. It should be no more than 1024 characters long, so make sure to use them wisely. Optimizing the URL for different search engines and using keywords can improve your website’s search engine ranking.

4. Say Thank You

If you want to establish a personal rapport with your potential clients and build long-term relationships with them, don’t forget to thank them for providing you with their contact details and spending time on your website. It’s better to create a dedicated page with a thoughtful ‘thank you’ note. You can also send your potential clients a well-written follow-up email with your brand’s logo and contact information.

5. Test

You need to conduct thorough testing to improve your conversion rate and generate more leads. B2B marketing professionals know that it’s important to test landing pages to check whether they can be used as lead magnets. When testing a landing page, make sure to check all its elements, such as headlines, forms, designs, colors, etc. 

To estimate the result, divide the number of daily conversions by ten. Then, select the testing period and divide it by two. It should be indicated in weeks. Multiply the results you received to see how many versions you can test during testing.

High Converting Landing Pages: Final Thoughts

Analyze the best high-converting landing pages before creating your own website. It’s crucial to perform A/B testing to check if your new landing page allows you to boost conversions and drive more traffic. By testing your landing page, you will better understand what improvements it requires and whether it looks appealing to your target audience.

To create a high converting landing page, make sure to use all the components mentioned above. It will ensure that your potential clients will spend more time on your website.

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About Author

Ann Young is a talented person, who combines photography and writing to share her skills with others in the FixThePhoto blog. She graduated from New York University 18 years ago, and since then has been actively creating training resources for users mastering Adobe programs for photo and video processing. Currently, she is studying digital marketing and its main strategies.

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